
  1. Use good quality storage boxes: Investing in high-quality storage boxes ensures durability and protection for your belongings. Sturdy boxes are less likely to collapse or break, keeping your items safe.
  2. Fill boxes to capacity: Packing boxes to their full capacity prevents them from tipping or collapsing during handling. However, avoid overfilling boxes, as this can make them too heavy and difficult to lift.
  3. Heavy items should be packed into small boxes: Distributing heavy items into smaller boxes makes them easier to lift and reduces the risk of injury. It also helps maintain the structural integrity of the boxes.
  4. Protect fragile goods with bubble wrap and tissue paper: Fragile items like glassware and crockery should be wrapped in bubble wrap or tissue paper to prevent breakage. Avoid using newspaper, as the ink can stain your items.
  5. Use wardrobe boxes for clothing: Wardrobe boxes allow you to store clothing on hangers, preserving their shape and making unpacking easier. This is especially useful for formal wear or delicate garments.
  6. Protect sofas, chairs, and mattresses with covers: Using covers or plastic wrap helps shield upholstered furniture and mattresses from dust, dirt, and moisture during storage or transportation.

Storage Tips

  1. Place heavy or bulky items in the room first: Placing heavy or bulky items in the room first creates a solid base for packing and prevents lighter items from being crushed. This also helps optimize space and organization within the room.
  2. Avoid placing heavy items on sofas or mattresses: Heavy items can damage or compress sofas and mattresses over time. Keep these soft furnishings free from heavy loads to maintain their shape and integrity.
  3. Use protective covers for soft furnishings: Protecting soft furnishings with covers helps shield them from dust, dirt, and potential damage during storage or transportation. It’s an extra layer of defense to keep your furniture in good condition.
  4. Fully defrost and clean fridge/freezers: Properly defrosting and cleaning fridge/freezers before storing them prevents the growth of mold and ensures they remain in good working condition when you need them again.
  5. Pack seasonal equipment at the front: Placing seasonal equipment at the front of storage units or rooms makes them easily accessible when needed. This ensures you can quickly retrieve items without having to dig through other belongings.